PRIVACY POLICY use all content from, if notice to remove the relevant content, we give full cooperation and support, there is an impact on the user experience please understand, thank you for your support! is committed to protecting the privacy of our users and to handling any personal date we receive from them with care and respect. A general principle is that we do not collect more information than is reasonably necessary to provide you with the best user experience. may use the services of affiliated companies or reputable third parties to process personal data collected on or through the website. By using or accessing our website, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

When you use or visit our website, collects information. We may also collect information from ad network providers and other third parties (such as payment service providers).

The information we may collect when you use our website includes, among other things, the following information.

● Your IP address.

● Demographic information (such as age and country).

● information collected through cookies or similar technologies.

● how you use our website, including when you browse our cuisine and interact with our advertising network providers.

● Device user agents.

When you visit our website, our servers automatically save the IP address of your computer through our analytics tracking system. The IP address will be collected for analytical tracking and improvement of the site, as well as geographic location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views and site navigation paths, as well as information about time of day, frequency and patterns of your use of the site. If you arrive at the Site through a link from another site, the URL of the linked site and the URL of any site you next link to will also be collected for the purpose of evaluating our primary traffic sources and for debugging and tracking purposes.

In addition, we use "cookies" to store certain information from your browser; a cookie is a piece of data stored on your computer that is associated with user information. If required to do so by applicable data protection laws when you first use our website, we will ask you to consent to the use of our cookies in accordance with this Privacy Policy, including the following:

The information we may collect when you use our Websites includes (among others) the following:

● operating and improving the services and features on the website.

● helping to verify your identity when you visit the site.

● remembering your preferences.

● customizing the content and advertising available to you through the Site.

If you do not want to store any cookies on your computer, you can prevent this by changing your browser settings to "Do not accept cookies".